Waste Bangladesh

+880 1722 451473


Our Services

An end-to-end service model for governments, utilities, and industries

Waste avoidance, recovery and re-use in communities and industries around the world, together with the efficient management of waste facilities and waste streams, are critical elements of sustainable development.

The need to minimise the generation of waste and harnessing the value in materials previously thought of as waste, underpins the current global approach to waste management.

WASTE’s comprehensive range of waste management services, from planning and design to monitoring and project management, helps our clients deliver and operate essential waste management facilities, while also returning long-term benefits to communities and the environment.

Our globally connected team of waste and resource management professionals delivers robust solutions to government and private sector clients, to boost efficiency and drive sustainability. We are committed to providing our clients with a service that is uniquely tailored to each situation.

Our services include:

  • Waste generator services including waste characterisation, audits and tracking services
  • Waste management plans for all types of developments and industries
  • Development and review of waste policy and regulations
  • Strategic planning for new waste facilities, encompassing business case development, options assessment and siting studies, legislative approvals and impact assessment
  • Design and documentation for recycling and waste disposal facilities, such as transfer stations, resource recovery centres, landfills, materials recovery facilities
  • Design of waste processing facilities, including organic wastes, mixed solid waste and energy from waste facilities and other alternative waste technologies (AWT)
  • Specialist engineering advice on issues such as landfill gas, leachate, landfill capping systems and liners, stormwater, groundwater, geotechnical and environmental issues
  • Operational support including operational management plans, environmental advice, regulator liaison, environmental compliance monitoring

Our insights, designs and advice are recognised as industry-leading and are further strengthened by the complementary services available through our connected global network of talented professionals.

Local Governments & Authorities

Local governments face unique challenges as they strive to address waste management and environmental concerns.  Waste management touches every resident and every business, so changes to any program draw intense scrutiny.  Yet, the industry is evolving rapidly, with a wide range of emerging technologies, vendors, and services to track.  Elected officials and municipal managers need current, defensible data and informed guidance as they seek to meet the demands of their local constituents in a cost-conscious manner.  MSW Consultants and its senior management have devoted their careers to assisting local governments and regional authorities to achieve their goals.  Our services to the municipal waste management sector include:

Solid Waste Management Plans

  • SWMPs and Zero Waste Plans
  • Overview of waste management systems and technologies
  • Stakeholder committee facilitation
  • Public education and outreach strategies 

Market Driven Recycling Plan

  • Recycling system planning
  • Residential recycling program implementation
  • Single stream recycling analysis
  • Volume-based pricing (Pay-As-You-Throw) program and rate development
  • Yard waste diversion and composting program assistance

Collection Optimization

  • Refuse, recycling, yard waste and bulky waste productivity analysis and improvement
  • Automated and single-stream collection conversion assistance
  • Front-load and roll-off efficiency analysis and service rate development
  • GPS, event tracking, RFID and onboard data collection system development
  • Route development, route balancing, and area/path re-routing

Financial Analysis

  • Solid waste system full-cost-of-service studies
  • Enterprise fund development
  • Lifecycle cost development
  • Solid waste enterprise fund service rate development
  • Facility processing/tip fee analysis
  • User fee and non-ad valorem assessment rate development

Collection, Disposal and Recycling Procurement Services

  • Solid waste, recycling, yard waste and bulky waste collection procurement assistance
  • Contract/franchise system analysis
  • Disposal and facility operations procurement assistance
  • Managed competition assistance
  • Contract negotiation assistance

Waste Composition and Generation Analysis

  • Sampling plan development
  • Waste composition field sampling and sorting
  • Statistical analysis
  • Waste generation rate studies
  • Institutional and commercial waste audits and recycling program improvement
  • Visible litter studies and litter/illegal dumping research

Fleet Management System Analysis

  • Vehicle utilization rate and spare vehicle analysis
  • Maintenance and repair cost analysis
  • Pre and post-trip inspection programming
  • Preventive maintenance programming
  • Fleet Information System configuration

Private Sector Organizations

  • Pre-position for upcoming public sector contracts for collection, processing, transportation, and disposal
  • Evaluate 50, 100, and 200 mile radiuses for new facilities and facility expansions
  • Characterize feedstocks and/or product streams for composition, purity, Btu value, and other attributes
  • Verify zero landfill performance for corporate sustainability reporting
  • Enhance due diligence research for investments in the waste and recycling industry

Public Sector Organizations

  • Benchmark service rates and systems against local, regional, state, and national peers
  • Track regional and local market pricing and service levels
  • Characterize waste streams using a variety of desktop tools supplemented by field data collection
  • Audit recycling contracts to achieve a fair and transparent revenue share
  • Verify zero landfill performance for corporate sustainability reporting

Trade Associations

  • Aggregate market and operational data from members to develop industry-wide intelligence

Let’s meet and discuss!

Where we are

92, Central Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205